Meet Miss Ellie - she is a sweet and sassy angel who walked into my world of photography this weekend. Boy was I excited when I saw her beautiful face and thought how it would look great on business cards ;) Her mom and dad are getting married and wanted me to get pictures of her for their Save the Date cards. That is why different parts of her shirt says "Save" "the" and "date". Cute idea, huh? I will post those once we decide which ones from the session we are going to use. Anyway, I captured some beautiful photos of a beautiful face. Please enjoy!

By the way, did I mention she just got accepted into modeling school? She may be gracing the covers of some famous magazines someday. It does not surprise me one bit :)
Thank you for letting me photograph your little angel. She is a true joy! I can't wait to let you see the finished photos :)
loooove #s 2 and five... and what an adorable idea! great work...
just gorgeous facial expressions!!
We'll be able to say we saw her before she became famous LOL
What a sweetheart!!!
She's soooo adorable!
What a little cutie! You did a great job capturing her personality in these.
Love her eyes, she is so precious!! Great job :)
I just love them Amanda!! Can't wait to see the rest. I couldn't have chose a better photographer.
Such a pretty girl!
What an expressive little girl-definitely model worthy!!!
Cute idea for the Save the Date card! She is so adorable!
she is a doll. What a cute idea
Oh what a cutie! She totally could be a model.
She's very expressive. No wonder she's going to be a top model. Nice job!! :)
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