
Happy Mother's Day Amy!!! Edwardsville, IL Family Photographer

I was really bummed out last weekend when I had to cancel two shoots due to the weather. J.D.'s 6th month session was one of them. I haven't seen them in so long so I was really looking forward to it. J.D. has grown soooo much since I last saw him. He is too cute for words and has such a sweet personality. The poor little guy even took two falls during the shoot and didn't even cry! I still am trying to figure out who he looks like. I definitely see both Amy and Jeremy in him but I don't think he likes like one more than the other. Amy told me that everyone thinks he looks just like Jeremy. Well, why don't you take a look and let me know what you think.

Once again, this is Amy's very first Mother's Day so Happy Mother's Day again!




I LOVE the matching shades! Lookin' cool!

You can tell he loves his mommy!


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Sharon Gartrell Photography Fort Worth said...

These are amazing! I love the silhouette and the tea cup is just too fun! What a great shoot!

Hayley said...

Love them!!! He is such a cutie!!!


Cindy said...

What a handsome little guy! I just love the daddy/son shot with the shades on.

Jessi F said...

What a gorgeous little chunk! They are a beautiful family, and I'm sure they will cherish these moments.

Lisa Harrison said...

What a beautiful family. You got some great shots here. Love the sunglass one.

Sari Underwood Photography said...

What a cutie! Love the one of him and Dad w/ the sunglasses! lol

Anonymous said...

I love the silhouette too!!

Anonymous said...

Fun- I love them all!!

Unknown said...

What a gorgeous family!

Diana said...

Love the parents on the hill and the child in the cup. Great shots. I live in Kansas City. Thanks for visiting my blog!

Christi said...

Too cute! The one with dad/baby wearing glasses is a keeper!