
Happy Mother's Day Jessica! Edwardsville, IL Children's Photographer

Wow! I cannot believe that Payton is 4! I remember when I first met Jessica and Payton was only a couple of months old. I didn't think it was possible that a baby could be so beautiful but now I am astonished. She truly is gorgeous. She is also a pretty snazzy dresser thanks to her mom! Does anyone else not think that Payton probably looks exactly like her mom did when she was a child? They look identical. I love when I see mothers and daughters that look alike. Thank you guys sooo much for letting me step into your life for a little while and capturing some beautiful memories. I had a great time :)

Dancing in the Street!!! Yep, their was a band playing and Payton was breaking it down the entire time so why not join them!






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I wanted to save my favorites for last!


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Anonymous said...

Wow! I love the one of Jess and Payt on the blanket.

Sharon Gartrell Photography Fort Worth said...

These are wondeful. You have such an eye for locations. And the expressions you captured are wonderful. What a beautiful mother and daughter. Great job!

Hayley said...

Gorgeous!!! The pics, mom and girl!!! :)


Anonymous said...

These are gorgeous! I love the last one. I'd get that one blown up BIG!

Cindy said...

What a beautiful mommy and daughter. You've got some lovely captures:)

Jessi F said...

What a gorgeous mommy! Great shoot.

Lisa Harrison said...

Beautiful Mom and daughter. Great shots.three197220012003

Sari Underwood Photography said...

Beautiful images! Love your conversions.

Anonymous said...

I love them all!

Anonymous said...

What a fun session- you picked some neat places! She is precious and I love the mom/daughter shots, too!

Unknown said...

That looks like an amazing, what a FUN mom and daughter!!

Anonymous said...

These are fabulous! Love the one of the little girl by the fire hydrant and her hiding under the umbrella. The last one of them together is timeless and will look fabulous BIG!

Diana said...

Fantastic site. Met you on Clicknmoms.

Christi said...

These are beautiful, the last one is my fave!

Jessica said...

Very very cute!! Great Job Amanda, they are a very cute Mom and daughter!