
One cute dude! Edwardsville, Illinois Family Photographer

Besides Connor and Maddie, there is one other little angel that melts my heart - my nephew Bryson. He is the world's most laid back, happy baby. His little smile is guaranteed to melt your heart! I feel so blessed to have him and his mommy and daddy in my life. If you know my sister and I, we are exactly alike - well, besides the fact that she is more Bohemian Chic and I am more preppy. We are both super artistic and creative and have laid back personalities. We look and act like our dad. So there is probably no doubt that Bryson and Connor will be a little similiar. And for anybody that knows Connor, they know what an awesome little boy he is. I am sure Bryson is going to grow up and be such a little gentleman like Connor.

I love you guys! Your the best ever!!!! Mwah!








What a gorgeous moment!

My sissy and I! Thank you Bryan for taking this picture for us! Note: Please ignore my undereye circle. LOL!


Christine said...

These are so cute! You look great in that picture. You and your sister are beautiful :)

Sharon Gartrell Photography Fort Worth said...

Bryson is such a cutie! Very nice work!

Karin Doolin said...

Your sister is BEAUTIFUL as well as her family. I love the shot of the two of you. You two are blessed to have each other!

Tiffany said...

He is adorable. These are great captures. I bet your sister LOVED these!

Jessica said...

oh his eyes are beautiful! Great job Amanda!