
Jenny and Jim - My first wedding {St. Louis Wedding Photographer}

There are many different kinds of love - love for our friends, love for our parents, love for our children, love for God (most important) and true love. I think it is quite obvious that Jenny and Jim have true love. The everlasting, feel good, true blue, will be together forever kind of love. In fact, their love was so strong and they were so incredibly laid back on their wedding day that it made my job very easy. Especially since this was MY FIRST WEDDING! You would think I would have been a ball of nerves but once I got to the hotel and saw Jenny, her mom and her friends, everything just fell into place. I knew that God brought us all together and that I was mean to capture their memories. Their wedding took place at the lake on Scott Air Force Base. It was sooo beautiful. I would post pics but I have only looked at two cards of photos so far and randomly chose a few to show because I was so excited. (yes, I am a dork!). Then the reception took place at the oh, so lovely Officer's Club (I think that is what it is called). Wow, that place is nice. LOVED IT!

Well, I know that not only are Jenny and Jim clients but hopefully friends. I am sure Brett and I will be hanging out with them in the future because they are just that cool. I would like to say hello to their families too. These two have go the nicest parents I have ever met - and siblings too. I cannot imagine how spoiled their kids will be if they decide to have any.

Jenny and Jim - Thank you for letting me be part of your special day. May God grant you many, many years together and many blessings! Love ~ Amanda ~

P.S. Thank you Brett for helping me out! You are by far the best husband ever! I love you now and forever and can't wait for the day to come when we renew our vows.

Jenny got ready at the fabulous Four Seasons Hotel at Lumiere Place. Isn't she stunning?!?!

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Yep, I knew these were cool as soon as I saw them!IMGP8782

One of my favorites I have seen so far!
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Jim watching as his bride walks down the aisle.




She just loves him!!! I wish I had a nickel for everytime I saw her give him a kiss!
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First kiss as husband and wife!

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Jenny loves Keiner Plaza so we stopped there for a few pics!

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First dance as husband and wife! I love the dip :)

This cake was delicious! Yummy!



I saved this one for last. This necklace is very special. Jenny's grandma wore it on her wedding day too. I love the simplicity of it. It is so classic and beautiful.
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Anonymous said...

YAY!! Love the arch shot and all the outdoor ceremony pictures:)

Christine said...

So fun!!! I've been waiting for your post! My favorite is your favorite :) Love them!

Rachel Noah said...

Love these! What wonderful captures. This couple is so so fortunate to have beautiful images from their day.

Rachel @ Verve

Unknown said...

Great job, did it!

All very beautifully exposed...I love the one of the little flower girl looking down at the water and your detail shots, Keep up the good work!

Candace Wilson said...

gorgeous shots!! You did an amazing job!!

Anonymous said...

Wonderful photos! Love the one with the bride at the window with the arch in the background.And the one with the little girl on the bridge. And, well, all of them. Great job!

Sharon Gartrell Photography Fort Worth said...

Gorgeous! Great job...beautiful captures!

Carolina said...

Looks like a fun day, you did GREAT!

Anonymous said...

Wow! You did an great job as usual. You amaze me with your talent each time I look on your site...:)

Rachel Plowman said...

Awesome!! Beautiful!!

Kim Hill said...

Gorgeous wedding!!! Love all the detail shots and her laced boots are so unique. Great captures. :)

Karin Doolin said...

You should be very proud of yourself! Love the Keener Plaza ones (even with the colored water!) and the ones of the kids, and well um - all of them. Great still life too! Can't wait to see more!

Samantha Parks said...

these are gorgeous! i love the colors and the interesting angles. you really captured their personalities well!

Angela said... awesome are these, and your FIRST wedding!! They are all wonderful =)

Unknown said...

great job! these are beautiful!