
My 50th Post and the story of three princesses a.k.a. Sophie, Bella and Olivia {Edwardsville IL Family Photographer}

Wow, 50 posts. I just feel so completely blessed. Photography is my passion and to be able to capture memories behind me lens is just amazing to me. Thank you God for giving this to me. And thank you to my awesome clients and fans. As you know, I only work word of mouth so all of the referrals really mean a lot to me.


I think you all are going to fall in love with these little girls as much as I did. Capturing kids in action and being themselves just makes me feel all warm and fuzzy inside. For three reasons: 1) I get to see them in their moods - good or bad first hand. The pictures that mean the most to me or the emotional photos. I know that moms and dads know what I mean. 2) I know that mom and dad are always going to look at these photos and no matter the age of the child they can remember their stage and personality at that time, as if it is frozen in time. 3) My child clients are going to grow up - sadly, too fast. One day they are going to look at their pictures and think, "Wow, I was sure a cutie." and then they will ask mom and dad, "So what was I like at that age?"

I cannot find the words to describe these three girls. They are each breathtaking in their own way. Their personalities are so different and unique. Plus, they are beautiful on the inside and out.

Thank you Sophie for being such a sweet, sweet girl! You are such a wonderful big sister and you helped me out so much today. Thank you Bella for being so enchanting and absolutely adorable. Thank you Olivia for being so sweet and sassy just like my Maddie. I hope that next year in school you two are best friends :) And mom and grandma thank you for all of you help today! I had so much fun!


Look how high she is! You go girl!








The "bird's nest".

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I just think she is sooooo cute!




Anonymous said...

What gorgeous girls! They look like they had a great time with you :)


Anonymous said...

These are great!!!!! I love the black and white ones, what beautiful little girls!

Krystle Akin said...

Aww! They are gorgeous! Great captures!

Rani said...

love the one with the umbrella!!! But really, they are all so gorgeous!!!!

Unknown said...

what sweet innocence. i love the nostalgic feel of the black and whites, and the emotion captured. beautiful! and WHERE did that parasol come from??!!


Sharon Gartrell Photography Fort Worth said...

I love these! How much fun was this shoot? Beautiful little girls.

Kelly said...

Great shots of some very gorgeous little girls.

dkdrury said...

Love these images! You did a great job capturing their personalities.

Mama H said...

how precious!!! What wonderful moments you've captured between three beautiful girls. The parents are just tickled, I bet. :)

Karin Doolin said...

You have a gift with children and capturing their beauty and innocence. There is such a good feel from all your photos. Great job as usual!